2 research outputs found

    English-sourced direct and indirect borrowings in a new lexicon of Polish Anglicisms

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    In recent decades, Polish has experienced an unprecedented influx of English-sourced borrowings, both overt (loanwords) and covert (calques). This linguistic influence echoes the social, technological, environmental and ideological transformations, with these changes reflected in the Polish lexicon. The paper describes a lexicographic project aimed at updating the S艂ownik zapo偶ycze艅 angielskich w polszczy藕nie (A Dictionary of Anglicisms in Polish) that was published in 2010. We discuss the theoretical assumptions, the content and the sources of the data for a new, corpus-based dictionary that is in the making, and illustrate the lexicographic solutions we adopted with regard to both well-established and the most recent direct and indirect Anglicisms. We also address the issue of the frequency and the usage of the latter in present-day Polish

    "A new dictionary of anglicisms in Polish" : general assumptions and entry microstructure

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    Artyku艂 przedstawia za艂o偶enia teoretyczne i zawarto艣膰 powstaj膮cego w Krakowie Nowego s艂ownika zapo偶ycze艅 angielskich w polszczy藕nie, kt贸ry pr贸cz anglicyzm贸w w艂a艣ciwych, tak偶e tych najnowszych, b臋dzie zawiera艂 kalki j臋zykowe pochodzenia angielskiego. W artykule om贸wiono przyj臋te rozwi膮zania dotycz膮ce struktury hase艂 s艂ownikowych i kryteri贸w doboru danych j臋zykowych, jak te偶 藕r贸d艂a materia艂u i problemy metodologiczne zwi膮zane z etymologi膮, identyfikacj膮, ekscerpcj膮, klasyfikacj膮 i opisem zapo偶ycze艅 oraz kalk j臋zykowych pochodzenia angielskiego.The paper presents the theoretical assumptions and content of Nowy s艂ownik zapo偶ycze艅 angielskich w polszczy藕nie (A New Dictionary of Anglicisms in Polish)that is being compiled by three Krak贸w scholars. The dictionary will include the newest direct loanwords and various types of calqued expressions sourced in English. We discuss data sources, the solutions we adopted to structure the dictionary entries, as well as the criteria used for data selection. The paper also addresses methodological issues that concern the etymology, identification, excerption, classification and description of loanwords and calques of English origin